15 ideas for fun, different gifts for a 30th birthday
By Natalie KochPublished on 09/28/2018 at 11:00 AM EST
Johannes W/Unsplash
I actually turn 30 this week, and I’m amped. Although I know some people turning 30 are fearful, disgusted, in denial or ambivalent. And they need the love that an awesome gift can convey. Some of the things in this guide are items that I would love to receive, or presents I have given/plan on giving to my fellow thirtysomethings.
Folks turning 30 this year have seen some stuff, both good and bad, so a little pampering is certainly in order. Look, if you survived the resurgence of bell-bottom jeans and still know all the words to every Backstreet Boys song, you deserve a nice birthday.
We put together 15 ideas for unique, memorable and fun gifts to make any 30-year-old smile.
Toa Heftiba/Unsplash
Gift card for a massage
If someone reaches the age of 30 and has never had a professional massage before, you’ll be doing them a huge favor if you give them one for a gift. Unless that person is Mayim. If you know the person really well (they’re a partner or spouse) you can probably just book it for them, but if you’re not familiar with their schedule or salon preferences, a gift card from Spa Finder will do the trick.
Alternatively, you can check out BlissWorld spas or pick up some items for at-home options!
Alex Block/Unsplash
One night at a fun hotel
Depending on the hotel you choose this could be a bit of a splurge, but if you have the means and are willing this could be a really fun, one-night gift! The birthday kid can order room service, leave the bed unmade, hang out at the hotel bar, sleep in and watch HGTV for hours.
Deep clean service
It doesn’t matter whether the 30-year-old you’re gifting is a new parent, a grad student, works three jobs, or has a corner office: They will be absolutely tickled at the prospect of someone else doing a deep-clean of their home.
Courtesy of HelloFresh
Subscription box
Want to give them a gift that keeps on giving year-round? Check out a few of our subscriptionboxreviews and see which one fits their personality.
John Canelis/Unsplash
DIY wine and cheese night
For the 30-year-old who just wants to stay in and watch movies (*raises hand*), consider planning a night in with his or her favorite wine/drink of choice and specially selected charcuterie plate. If they do like wine, we have some recommendations.
A candle that smells like home
Remind your loved one of their favorite place with a candle that smells like their home state—or maybe a state they used to live in and love!
A really cool LEGO set
Just because someone is 30 doesn’t mean they don’t want toys for their birthday! LEGO makes some incredibly cool sets, like the Diner in this photo, that provide a challenge for adults.
A totally '90s Caboodle
If you know someone turning 30 right now that means they were born in the late ’80s, making them very much a “90s kid.” Every 90s kid worth their salt had a hella cool Caboodle where they’d hide their makeup, treasures, bouncy balls or crayons. What will they keep in there in the year 2018?
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