When my friend and writer Dani Weiss-Bronstein blogged about finding out that her fourth child was going to have Down syndrome, I was in awe of her courage, strength, and openness.
Though I do have personal connections and experiences with Down syndrome, Dani’s story was a perspective that I had not been exposed to: a parent coping with this life-changing diagnosis.
I’m a cartoonist, passionate about using my powers for good. This means doodling inspirational comics that bring a smile to your face, but to me, it also means talking about loss, mourning, spirituality, and grief.
Today I tell these important true stories with drawings I’ve dubbed “Cartoonmentaries” (comic + documentary) like this one, “The Diagnosis,” which we are launching today, March 21st, in honor of World Down Syndrome Day.
We hope that by sharing Dani’s story through the visual medium of comics, it will help people in similar situations, and spark empathy and educate those who are unfamiliar.
Join us by sharing the “The Diagnosis” so Dani’s story can reach other people going through similar experiences. We hope that you will share your stories with us so we can continue to make the world a better place and a safer space to share personal challenges and experiences. If everyone is more open, then nobody has to suffer alone.
We are thankful to the many organizations who have helped Dani, her family, and countless other people. Many of them will be sharing the comic today as well; particularly OHEL, Shalva, the Down Syndrome Diagnosis Network, the National Down Syndrome Society, the NEPA JCC, Widener University, the Hampton Synagogue, and GeekMom/GeekDad.
See Chari’s Other Cartoonmentaries:
“Michael’s Miscarriage” – a husband’s perspective
Read Dani’s 3-part piece at GeekMom.
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