GrokNation video is back! We’ve got some great new content coming your way over the next few weeks on seriously diverse topics. Before we start talking about Princess Leia, here’s Mayim to tell you a bit more about the GrokNation video plan:
So what was that about a Princess Leia video? We’re glad you asked! GrokNation editor Esther K is a super Star Wars fan, as is GN guest writer Allyson Gronowitz, so we put these two together to talk about the new Princess Leia book, Leia: Princess of Alderaan, by Claudia Gray (and we’re hoping to have an interview with the author for you soon, so stay tuned for that!). The pair started talking about the book, but ended up talking about how important the character of Leia -and the actress who embodied her, Carrie Fisher – are in the Star Wars universe, as well as to a generation of (often brunette) girls and women who could see themselves in this brave, strong, senator/princess/general.
So check out the video – and don’t forget to subscribe to our channel so that you won’t miss a single video!
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