Thursday’s episode, “The Procreation Calculation,” sees Raj meeting the women whom his father has set him up with for an arranged marriage, and Penny and Leonard coming to terms with the fact that Penny doesn’t want kids. Also, Howard and Bernadette deal with Stuart inviting his co-worker, Denise (Lauren Lapkus) to his room and playing “Smooth Operator” by Sade. Rati Gupta, the actress playing Anu, Raj’s fiancee, is some of my favorite casting ever on our show. She is fiery, smart, witty, has an adorable voice with a ton of confidence, and I just think she is super duper awesome.
I wasn’t in this episode very much. Sometimes it happens this way when you’re on an ensemble show: your number of scenes varies. And especially when there are eight of us active cast members, it’s a lot for our writers to fit all of us into every episode equally. So that’s just how it goes sometimes and that’s fine. When I was on Blossom, many times I was in almost all of the scenes, which is fun but also exhausting! This is kind of nice variability. With my “down time,” I write, I catch up on emails, I make phone calls I’ve been putting off, and I also sometimes relax; although, that’s rare!
It’s clear that our writers are opening up a lot of new territory—and we’re only three episodes into the season. I myself am dying to know if Raj marries this woman! I think she will be in at least a few more episodes (I think—don’t quote me on that!), but I think it’s a really fun plot for Raj and Anu to explore love and commitment this way.
As for my scenes, I’m sure you noticed one of the funniest jokes our writers have written for me in a long time, and yes—it was about breastfeeding!
I did something this week that I’ve done before when I had time on my hands, and I think many women out there can probably relate. You have time and so you… change your hairstyle! I know you’re thinking, “What? Your hair always looks the same. What could you possibly have changed?!”
Are you sure you didn’t catch it? I’ve done the same change a few times actually in the course of my time on TBBT. I changed my hair part. I know! Exciting right?! I can’t really do anything to change my appearance during my time here, but I can change my part, and so I did.
I actually changed it because after years of parting it one way, it was starting to thin more than I had realized and I got really self conscious about it that week for some reason. And so, the weekend before we filmed this episode, I started training my hair to part the other way. The other time I did this was when my hair was first thinning after having kids (which I wrote about here) and at some point we switched it back when it seemed to be growing back.
But here we are again. I feel much better about it since the hair on the non-clipped side is fuller and shows less of my scalp. The hair department had even taking to putting some brown eyeshadow on my scalp where it was showing through—ugh! So now, no eye shadow, no scalp showing, and more hair everywhere in evidence.
The challenge, however, is taming all of my cowlicks, which definitely have a preference as to which way they want to go…
Tune in next week to see if the part has remained the way I like it or if it’s too much for my hair person to tame! Plus, we’ll get to meet Sheldon’s best friend who Amy never knew about!
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