You probably realize that we kind of sort of love The Big Bang Theory. And we know many of you do, too. CafePress and Etsy are chock-full of fan art, t-shirts and more, but we want to help you save some time during your already-busy holiday season.
We’ve gathered up our favorite gifts in a range of prices and categories—all inspired by our favorite show and its characters.

Although the show is ending soon, this watercolor artwork will allow a Big Bang Theory fan to see their favorite characters in the living room for years to come.
Purchase from AJ Filo on Etsy for $9.27.

Stewart would appreciate the support if you purchased this Comic Center of Pasadena tee. (Note: T-shirt sale money doesn’t actually support Stewart, as he’s a fictional character.)
Purchase on the CBS Store for $24.99.

A Lego set made with Big Bang Theory characters and sets sounds like the perfect nerdy mashup. It features all seven of the main gang, but is no longer in production by Lego, so you’ll have to purchase it before stores sell out!
Purchase from Amazon for $81.77.

It should come as no surprise that Amy Farrah Fowler is our favorite Big Bang Theory character. Get her Funko POP! likeness while you can—the character is vaulted now.
Purchase from Fugitive Toys for $54.95.

It was Penny, in the laundry room, with a wiped hard drive! The traditional Clue game takes on a Big Bang Theory spin to help you find who committed the “act of betrayal.”
Purchase on Amazon for $33.92.

If you merged the popular Mr. and Little Miss characters with our well-known TBBT crew, this is what you’d get: a hilarious, creative print, perfect for any Big Bang fan’s walls.
Purchase from Le.Duc on Society6 in a variety of sizes, starting at $19.55.

If you’re looking for a gift for your romantic partner, we’ve found it! This adorable shadow box features two Lego figures of Sheldon Cooper and Amy Farrah Fowler, but the phrase and characters can be customized upon request.
Purchase from Bellalise Boutique on Etsy for $26.08.

You don’t have to have a PhD (sorry, Howard) to carry this Property of Physics Department messenger bag.
Purchase from the CBS Store for $49.99.

How cute are these!? We just love these miniature, cross-stitched versions of our favorite characters in magnet form.
Purchase the set from The Crafty Lady12 on Etsy for $20.

For the artistic or engineering-minded friend, get them a beautiful, artistic rendering of Sheldon and Leonard’s (now Leonard and Penny’s) and Penny’s (now Sheldon and Amy’s apartments. You’ll notice details from the show, such as Sheldon’s spot on the couch.
Purchase from TV Floor Plans on Etsy in a variety of sizes; starting at $36.50.

This gift hits the trifecta: someone who likes to cook, likes cats, and likes The Big Bang Theory. Soft Kitty, of Sheldon’s sick song fame, adorns the cotton apron, which is one size fits all.
Purchase on Amazon for $20.45.

Alright, we know most people don’t use mousepads anymore, but your friend or family member will certainly find a use for it when it’s this funny. The stain-resistant mousepad features Sheldon’s algorithm to determine if he should begin a friendship with someone or not. (Make sure you’re good friends with the person you’re gifting this to or else he might change his mind.)
Purchase from the WB Shop for $12.95.

At over $250, this Star Trek chess set (as played by the guys on The Big Bang Theory) is certainly a splurge gift. But for the biggest TBBT fan, you’re sure to get a giant thank you in return!
Purchase from the CBS Store for $274.99.

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