This is your last chance to turn back before you read spoilers of last tonight’s episode. We mean it. Now or never. OK, here we go. Seriously, we warned you in the subtitle and everything!! – GrokNation editorial staff
Tonight’s episode was a biggie. Not as big as next week’s episode will be…but we had to have this one to get to that one!
The episode that aired tonight (“The Earworm Reverberation”) was the one where Amy and Sheldon get back together. It’s a big deal!
I’ve heard from a lot lot lot of people that they didn’t like Amy and Sheldon broken up and you know what? I didn’t like it either! I love any scenes at all that I have with Jim Parsons, but for sure I can say that I prefer doing scenes where Amy and Sheldon aren’t broken up versus scenes where they are broken up.
Don’t get me wrong: as an actor, it’s my job to say what is written on a page. As an employed actor, it is my job to be grateful to be employed and believe me, I am! That being said, I am allowed to have preferences and I love being playful with Jim. A lot of the “broken-up” episodes involved iciness and disagreements…I missed all of the playful stuff we get to do for the most part. So I’m glad that’s back!
Next week is indeed the coitus episode (oh come on, it’s been all over the media, you must have known that already, so it can’t be a spoiler – GN editorial staff), but there’s a lot more to our relationship than that. Always has been, always will be.
I can’t say if this will be the end of Amy getting annoyed with Sheldon. It really is up to our fabulous writers! What I can say is I am thrilled we are back together and eager to see what the rest of the season holds for these two lovers!
Here are my answers to what I assume are your questions about the whole thing.
Did you know Amy and Sheldon were going to get back together?
No, I didn’t know it was coming. I think a lot of you knew it was coming, but I honestly didn’t know until I got the script the week before we filmed it. Our writers can pretty much do whatever they want; no one runs it by me. So I waited patiently – as we do in life – for what was next for Amy.
Are you happy that Shamy has been reunited?
Yes, of course I am happy! I love Jim Parsons as a human being and as an actor buddy, and I have missed our scenes we get to have when we are together. The Thanksgiving episode where we went to the aquarium was so super sweet and then when Sheldon says he’s too hurt to try again, I got all emotional about it in real life! It was sad. So, yeah: I am totally happy we are back together!
But what about Stephen Merchant? I mean, we wanted Amy and Sheldon back together, but isn’t Stephen Merchant great?
Stephen Merchant IS as awesome as he seems. He’s very lovely and very shy and perfectly methodical as an actor. He’s wicked smart as a person and as a writer of comedy. He understands things on a very special level. I loved working with him and was honored to do so for three episodes.
Can we talk about the kissing?
Yes, it’s totally weird kissing who you are not dating someone over and over. At least for me it is. (I think some actors get used to it, but this is kind of new for us.) I ate a Spearmint Tic-Tac before we rehearsed or filmed that last scene. I hope Jim likes Spearmint. I better find out for next time!
Being a part of “The Big Bang Theory” is an endless fountain of blessings. As an actor, as a comedienne, and as a lover of celebrating the human experience in all of its comedy and tragedy. And seeing so many tweets and Facebook messages from all of you fans have reminded me of how deeply all of you care about the characters and relationships our writers create – especially how passionately you are invested in the “Shamy” relationship through this “breakup” period.
I hope everyone is satisfied with the Sheldon and Amy reunion. I hope it sticks!! (And I know many of you agree!)
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