Image by [Kena Betancur/AFP]
We had the chance to make history with the first woman president of the United States. Despite the fact that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote, she did not gain enough electoral votes, therefore making Donald Trump our president-elect. Trump — the candidate with the official endorsement of the Ku Klux Klan — is been known for his hardcore Islamaphobia, racist undertones, the use of anti-Semitic rhetoric throughout his campaign, bragging about (and is accused of) sexual assault, and so much more. And now, he will be the President of our country.
It’s no surprise then that feminists across the country are upset. His presidency may very well see the reversal of many important things like reproductive and LGBTQ rights. And, along with his fervent supporters, Trump is guiding America to a place where it is dangerous to be a minority or part of a marginalized community. With all of this in mind, we had to ask our favorite feminists their take on the way the election panned out, and many of them responded.
In one sentence, share your thoughts on the election results:
Britni de la Cretaz: “I looked at my daughters and cried.”
Rudri Bhatt Patel: “Utterly terrified on what will happen to the future makeup of the Supreme Court.”
Sarah Buttenwieser: “‘When they go low, we go high.’ —Michelle Obama (going to repeat until it’s a mantra)”
Julie Hart: “Comedian is the only job that makes any sense this morning.”
Tamara Oliver: “Utter grief over the loss of hope for our progress as a nation.”
Meg Galipault: “I am struggling to envision a path of grace, dignity, humor and courage — but I don’t want to retreat into despair.”
Seranine Elliot: “Hillary Clinton was very well-prepared to win a completely different fight.”
Marissa Landrigan: “This is not who I thought we were.”
Naseem Jamnia: “You chose emails over us.”
Kristine Kimmel: “I am devastated beyond belief — but I will stay in my country and fight the orange menace.”
Nina Bargiel: “Now it’s time to get to work.”
Jill Di Donato: “Come on ladies, now let’s get in formation.”
Sa’iyda Shabazz: “I want to say that I’m surprised, but I just can’t.”
Ki Russell: “Perhaps the country will improve, not because of him, but to counter him.”
Dakota Kim: “Right now I’m downloading history books, examining local elections, having conversations, donating to organizations, planning volunteering and protesting, considering Trump in the context of fascist history, and queueing up the film “Idiocracy” — because what we need more than anything right now are careful, considered activism and critical thinking.”
Debra A. Klein: “As women, we’ve spent our lives adjusting to bitter disappointments, bullies getting their way and the notion that life’s not a meritocracy, yet we persist — what other option do we have?”
Shannon Luders-Manuel: “For those who are saying sexism in this country is now stronger than racism, it’s not a contest, and it diminishes the experiences of feminist women of color.”
Awanthi Vardaraj: “If grief has various stages, I’m flitting between anger and acceptance right now; I ran through the entire gamut of stages over the course of the last several hours. I’m bracing, I think, for the horrors that I am convinced will come, and I am terrified for the world.”
Amanda Adams: “Our children are afraid — this should tell us something.”
Shaindel Beers: “All of us who are still here are survivors — descendants of the witches they didn’t burn, the Jews they didn’t gas, the indigenous people they didn’t kill; we’ll survive.”
Jennifer Pozner: “I’m shellshocked, grieving, and frightened because before last night, I never felt like the results of any election were a direct surgical strike against my humanity and safety, and the humanity and safety of all women, people of color, Muslims, Jews, poor people, journalists.”
Ruth Dawkins: “My heart hurts and I am terrified about what prejudice and pain the next four years will bring for anyone who doesn’t fit the president-elect’s model of what an ‘American’ is.”
Therese Shechter: “This Canadian immigrant is staying the US and continuing to fight.”
Danielle Corcione: “Time to fight back.”
Mayim Bialik: “I’m shocked that so many people support a man supported by the KKK. Our country is deeply divided and the rights of blacks, Latinos, Muslims, LGBTQ folks and women are not valued the way I thought they would be. My children will come of age in a world that Donald trump determines. I pray they forgive us.”
Do YOU have a question for our cabal of fierce feminists? Email it to Avital Norman Nathman at TheMamafesto@gmail.com.
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