Saturday, January 21st will be the day that folks take to the streets in protest of Trump and in solidarity with the many people who will be negatively impacted by his presidency. The Women’s March on Washington is poised to be huge, with folks in DC, all over the country and all over the world turning out to explain why they will continue to fight for our country and the people who live in it. We asked some of our usual feminists, as well as some new folks, why they are marching. What has caused them to travel to DC or take part in a sister march in their own area.
Kristine Kimmel: “I’m marching because I am in a rage. I’m marching because I am heartbroken. I’m marching because I am depressed. I’m marching because I have a daughter. I’m marching because I have a son. I’m marching for democracy. I’m marching for the future of our planet. I’m marching because I am likely safe from this administration and so many others are not.”
Casey O’Brien: “I am marching because I feel lost and scared, and the only thing that has ever helped me in those situations is to do: to be productive, to be helpful, to be present. So I am marching with fellow feminists to feel that I am acting and speaking out in a dizzying and dark time.”
Yulia Laricheva: “I’m marching in NY. I am using my body to physically stand up for women, diversity, human rights. After the march I am connecting with the organizers to see how we can keep the momentum going. Marching is great but we need to be able to have a seat at the table in order to affect change. That means running for office or using money to create the change that we want to see. We need to invest and support women and diversity-led projects. We need to show that inclusion is the way of the future. We need to create our own economy. Make sure that our money does not go towards causes that seek to set us back 100 years. I am the co-founder of Fund Dreamer. We are a global crowdfunding platform that is open to all, promoting women and diversity-led projects.”
Kym G: “I’m marching in Denver because I like to make signs and yell. Oh, and because we are at a pivotal time in our nation’s history, and I refuse to stand by idly and watch all our progress be rolled back 100 years. I march in solidarity with those who stand to lose more than I do. I march because I refuse to accept the rule of a bigoted, petulant child king. I march to show the world that not all Americans are stupid, hateful, fearful, or cruel, and we are not the butt of some terrifying global joke. I march because sexual assault should never be lauded and normalized. But mostly I march because I’m pissed off and I like to yell and make signs.”
Bill Ivey: “I will be in Washington DC with my wife and students from her (girls) school. I believe in the importance of large numbers showing up to make a statement supporting civil rights for all. I seek solidarity, and I’m one of many voices doing my best to advocate for intersectionality and the sense that this is but one step, however crucial, along a much longer figurative march for equity.”
Therese Shechter: “Aside from lending my body and voice to causes I believe in, I’m also marching alongside friends who have never done a protest before. They are nervous but determined to take part, and I’m very proud to be their guide and their cheerleader. My first march was deeply empowering and opened the door to years of public activism. I hope they become similarly inspired.”
Claire Linic: “I’m going to the march in Chicago. I’m going so that LGBTQ and minority youth can see us saying no to this. No to hate. No to fear. No to the policies that are looming over us. They need to know we will fight for them and that we are here for them. And when it comes their turn to fight — we will be right by their side.”
Amanda Deibert: “I am marching in Los Angeles because this is not okay, it is not normal and I refuse to stop fighting or to become complacent or complicit in the next 4-8 years. I am marching to show my 2-year-old (who will be with my wife and me at the March) that her voice is strong and powerful and that activism is patriotic and normal. I am marching to stand with my fellow LGBTQ Americans, women, people of color, people with disabilities, people of every religion and lack thereof and to say LOUDLY, that we all deserve to be counted and be heard. I’m scared and I’m sad and I’m angry and I will not be silenced. I’m also marching for catharsis. The day before, during the inauguration, I’m hosting a protest sign painting party where about a dozen of my friends will come over, some with their kids and we will eat and drink and laugh and cry and be together in our strength and solidarity instead of watching. I hope that and the march will be both healing and inspiring.”
Lori Day: “I’m marching in Boston because I want to feel like I’m part of something bigger than myself, and I need that at a time when I am ultimately quite pessimistic about my future and the future of everyone but wealthy white straight Christian men…the very people who will do whatever they can to roll back our rights and hold onto power.”
Jessica Smock: “I’ll be marching in DC (my first real protest march) because I’ve been at a loss since election day, when I took my two year old daughter to vote with me for the first female president. After that day, I began to be scared about what lies ahead for our country, and with each passing day, I become more alarmed and angry. I want to make a stand that I want a better world for my two children, not one that takes away rights from vulnerable groups and strips away basic democratic norms, like respect for the press.”
Nancy Cavillones: “I’m going to the march in DC with my mom, stepmom, sisters and friends. I’m marching because I’ve felt so helpless since election day. I feel like there’s no point in adding to the noise on Facebook because of all the trolls and just plain nasty people. The march is a tangible action that I can take, that might actually make a difference!”
Will you be marching tomorrow? Why? Share your answer below and include the hashtag #WhyIMarch.
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