The New Year is a perfect time to reset: Whether it’s choosing a health goal, striving for a personal achievement or thinking of the community at large, New Year’s resolutions offer an opportunity to change the status quo.
Of course, with our motto “Change Your Little Corner of the World” at Grok Nation, we’re always ready for change—but with 2019 starting, we are very ready and eager to make changes. Read below to see what we’re committed to in the new year, and if you haven’t, be sure to answer our Question of the Week to let us know about your own goals.
Mayim Bialik, founder
“I feel so good when I work out consistently. So why do I not work out consistently? Something always gets in the way. I want to make it a priority to avoid letting things—including my own lack of enthusiasm—get in the way. When I consistently work out, I feel better. I look better. I feel less guilty about what I eat. Resolution: Work out more consistently!”
Christina Kelly, editor-in-chief
“Every year I resolve to be nicer. It never seems to work out. It will go well for up to a week, but then somebody gets on my nerves and it’s all over. Honestly, I hate to be a party pooper, but the whole idea of New Year’s resolutions gets on my nerves, with the implication that I’m not ok the way I am. So it looks like I am not even going to make it to the New Year before I stop being nice. ”
Dalene Rovenstine, managing editor
“Most years my New Year’s resolution is to eat healthier, work out regularly or drink more water—but it typically lasts a month. If that. While I still want to be generally healthier, and I’ll still strive to do that, this year I want to do more crafting. I have a whole storage shelf filled with cross-stitch kits I want to make and gift and scraps of fabric I’m saving for future projects. Recently, I’ve decided I need to “use it or lose it” as they say. And most of my crafting is passive, something I can do while watching TV, which means I really have no excuse. So I’ve decided: 2019 is going to be The Year of the Craft in my house!”

Natalie Koch, social media manager
“I’d like to start painting again. Painting was a big part of my identity as a kid and teenager, even prompting me to major in Art when I got to college. I switched to Communication after a couple semesters, but managed to complete a minor in Art. Since then I haven’t really painted at all, either due to lack of space in my house or general lack of inspiration. I’m sad that I’ve lost that part of myself, so I’m hoping to get it back in 2019!”
Jossie Auerbach, integrated marketing manager
“My New Year’s Resolution: Consciously putting time aside for myself each week to just have FUN! While I am very dedicated to my self-care and being grateful for all that we have, the reality is I’m juggling life with a nine month old, husband, job, medical appointments, exercising, baths (for pain relief and rest), meditation, the day-to-day (cooking, shopping, household stuff), friends, family, and travels… so while juggling all this, doing fun things for myself (beyond self-care–and despite my husband’s efforts to get me to take breaks!) seems to get lost in the shuffle more often than not. Fun to me (at this moment in time) would be exciting new food adventures with friends, cooking for pleasure, sleeping (!), coffee dates or happy hours with friends, reading, going on hikes, going to the movies, or whatever last minute adventures come up.”
Avital Norman Nathman, contributing editor and writer
“I’d like to do more service. What that means for me is offering up my time and skills to help people, rather than just relying on sending in a donation (don’t worry, I’ll still make financial donations to organizations I usually support). But, I’d also like to give my time: Whether it’s delivering meals to folks who can’t make it out of their homes or volunteering at an organization that helps children and women, my New Year’s resolution is to spend more time helping others in a meaningful way.”
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