Dear Grokites (that’s you!),
There are so many ways you might have found us at Grok Nation, and however you came here, whatever your path was, we welcome you.
It’s hard to know how to address “you” because you might be any of the following—or a combination of the following:
- a Jewish mom in her 30s
- a teenage fan of The Big Bang Theory who wants to know more about the show and the woman behind Amy Farrah Fowler
- a nerdy, geeky comic book fan who can’t believe someone on The Big Bang Theory actually likes comic books
- a 60-year-old religious Jewish man who has heard that I am a proud Jew
- a Christian stay-at-home mom from the Midwest who appreciates me being a modest woman
- a feminist academic who wants to learn how celebrities handle the demands on women
- a STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) aficionado who heard that I advocate for STEM education
- a fan of nerd rock such as They Might Be Giants and Weird Al who is looking for like-minded fans
- a young person who wants to know more about changing the world one small action at a time
- or others…read the comments on this post to see how people identify themselves!
All of you hail from different faith communities and political perspectives and with varying interests, concerns and passions. I want this website to be a place for all of you.
I believe that there is a meaningful way to approach every issue—whether it be acting, science, parenting, faith—whatever it is; there is a way to “grok” it, to look at every issue and find the underlying importance and meaning in it. (The term itself hails from a 1960s sci-fi novel Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert Heinlein, and has enjoyed renewed popularity of late, especially in certain geek and techie circles.) Every story in the news, every TV show that people are writing about, every time someone is shocked that I like action movies; it all has meaning. In my mind, there is nothing mundane. Everything has deeper significance and can be a place to learn and grow from. I want to bring that elevation of the mundane to Grok Nation.
I want to write about being a mom. I want to write about my work and my life as an actor on CBS’ No. 1 comedy. I want to write about the things that move me: comic books, superheroes, nerd rock. I want to discuss the importance of modesty and what it means to understand women’s issues and men’s issues, too. I want to talk science and Star Wars; I want to talk about how all of the things that make us who we are can be transformative if we have the tools and resources to make them so.
If something moves me, I promise to share it with you and provide ways to learn more about it and make it your own. In the months ahead, I will bring you insights and challenges from other writers, to expand the conversations we are having in the world. I will highlight individuals, organizations and charities that are working to improve lives, impact local communities and transform the world. You can be a part of that transformation—by being here at Grok Nation, joining us across social media, and sharing thoughts, messages and ideas.
We can do it all here. We can have fun, we can learn, we can explore, and we can grow. We can do it together. One nation under grok.
Looking forward to learning with and from all of you. I’m so glad that you’re here—welcome to Grok Nation.
Grok on,
Grok Nation Comment Policy
We welcome thoughtful, grokky comments—keep your negativity and spam to yourself. Please read our Comment Policy before commenting.