Three years ago, Mayim Bialik launched Grok Nation as a place to have deep conversations within a community. It’s hard to believe that it has been three years of grokking topics of all kinds, three years of behind-the-scenes of The Big Bang Theory, three years of parenting, relationship and health advice, and three years of having deep conversations with YOU.
We’re so glad you are here! Although we can’t share a cupcake with each of you, we do want to give a gift to one of you. Below, you can enter to win a basket of games from Gamewright (a company whose games were featured in a recent story about the benefit of boardgames to children). After entering, be sure to jump down to the comments and let us know what you’ve loved about GN in the past three years—your favorite stories, conversations, or photos—and what you hope to see next.
And please keep an eye on our social media channels, where we will be giving you the opportunity to support a charity that’s near and dear to our hearts in honor of our third birthday.
Here’s to many more years together!
Grok Nation Comment Policy
We welcome thoughtful, grokky comments—keep your negativity and spam to yourself. Please read our Comment Policy before commenting.