Season 11 has begun and I will NOT tell you any spoilers in this post, I promise!
Here’s a brief breakdown of some of the highlights of being back at work.
Again: there will be NO SPOILERS here! But I do want you to know that I had no idea all summer what Amy was going to say to Sheldon, or even if this first episode would reveal it! They could have done a thousand different storylines to keep you all waiting…but they pick up right where we left off.
And by “right where we left off’ I mean literally – RIGHT WHERE WE LEFT OFF. As in: same set, same body position, same robe for me and barely any makeup (Mayim the Actor always wanted to look a bit more made-up when Sheldon proposed but Amy the Character was caught off-guard so, barely any makeup it is!), and I needed to get a hair trim to make sure my hair is the same length as it was 3 ½ months ago!
So I won’t say more except to say that you definitely get answers in this first episode!
Being back with the cast is wonderful. It’s like coming back to your sophomore year of high school but your school is only eight people and you all like being together and missed each other. Melissa Rauch is radiantly pregnant and I love her belly almost as much as I love the rest of her. Ok, maybe a little more! (You can read about the struggles she had with pregnancy in this important and moving piece in Glamour.)
Jim got married this summer and I got to be at his beautiful romantic inspiring wedding. I have not seen him since then! He has the new Young Sheldon show going on and the movie he just did…there’s so much going on for him and it makes me so happy.
We catch up just like people who haven’t seen each other for months do. We do it in between scenes and during lunch breaks. I spent an entire lunch break in Kevin Sussman’s dressing room last week psychoanalyzing him and letting him psychoanalyze me for example.
This is my job. And I missed it: the regularity of the schedule TBBT provides me, knowing where I am most days of the week most months of the year for most hours of the day. Without TBBT, I don’t get to the market regularly, I don’t have a predictable schedule for my kids to keep track of, and I basically run around like a chicken with my head cut off.
And so as we start Season 11, there is so much more to be grateful for than “just” more episodes for all of you – although that it something we are very excited to provide! For me, TBBT is my place of work, the source of my friendships and the place I go to connect with people who share so much in common with me because of our unique job.
I am thrilled to be back at work working hard to make you all laugh. And I’m thrilled to share these photos – again, SPOILER FREE! – from our first taping from the new season. Stay tuned for the premiere episode which will air on Monday, Sept. 25 at 8/7c.. And don’t you worry: I’ll have a recap of that episode and great behind-the-scenes tidbits the next day right here on GrokNation!
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