Arya Marvazy is a first-generation American, born to Iranian-Jewish parents in what has been affectionately referred to as "Tehran-geles," CA. Arya earned his B.A. in Psychology from UC San Diego and M.A. in Organizational Behavior from New York University. He has spent the majority of his career within the non-profit Jewish communal sector and is involved in a variety of organizations including JDC Entwine, The Jewish Federation of Los Angeles, Masa Israel Journey, and 30 Years After. He has always been passionate about LGBTQ+ equality, education, and advocacy work and helped to create the Keshet-Hillel Guide for Inclusivity for professionals and student leaders well before having come out of the closet himself. Most recently Arya has been working to expand LGBTQ advocacy work within the Persian community in Los Angeles as the Assistant Director at JQ International. His passions include travel, exploring foreign cultures, and languages of which he speaks four.