Grief? Are You There? My thoughts about grief 7 months after my dad's passing By Mayim Bialik 11/02/2015
“What Would You Tell Your Younger Self?” A new video with reflections and wisdom from Mayim By Grok Nation Staff 10/28/2015
Sounding the Shofar, Running From Grief Mayim's reflections on Rosh Hashanah By Mayim Bialik 09/22/2015
Mayim reflects on returning to work after loss Going back to work after the death of her father was harder on Mayim than people thought By Mayim Bialik 08/10/2015
Mayim explains how music was important to her relationship with her father As part of her ongoing series about grieving her father, our founder talks about how music—or the lack thereof—can be powerful By Mayim Bialik 08/10/2015
Mayim shares her favorite jewelry The Magen David, her star of David necklaces, are important—here's why By Mayim Bialik 08/10/2015
Mayim explains how reciting the Kaddish has helped her grieve The 30-day period grieving her father's death has been memorable and important By Mayim Bialik 08/10/2015